Geralt of Rivia, the main character in The Witcher Series, is a skilled monster hunter tasked with finding and protecting Princess Ciri. After the battle of Sodden, Geralt takes Ciri to the...
Stranger Things is one of Netflix's most popular series, and after a long wait, the series creators have finally released a trailer and set a release date. However, the series will be...
Fans of the Fast and Furious franchise are eagerly awaiting the release of the ninth installment of the series, which is set to hit theatres soon. However, due to the ongoing pandemic,...
Ladybug is a skilled former assassin who's had a string of bad luck as of late. Many of his past jobs have gone wrong, leaving a trail of accidental deaths in his...
Sandra Bullock is making a comeback to the silver screen after almost three years with her latest film, The Unforgivable. The popular actor’s latest film will be released on a popular OTT...
Sylvester Stallone is returning to screens, this time on OTT, in his latest action thriller Samaritan. The film, directed by Julius Avery, will premiere on Amazon Prime Video on 26th August, 2022....
Pinocchio is an upcoming English Animated musical fantasy film, Starring Tom Hanks, Benjamin Evan Ainsworth, Cynthia Erivo, and Luke Evans. The film was directed by Guillermo del Toro and Mark Gustafson. The...
The upcoming English, Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam, and Hindi science fiction action adventure film Lightyear has been given a “UA” certificate via the Central Board of Film Certification. The movie is produced by...