Richard Linklater's new animated film, "Apollo 10 1/2: A Space Age Adventure" will be produced by Linklater's Detour FilmProductions and Submarine, and released by Netflix. It was Directed by Richard Linklater and...
Varys, the Master of Whisperers or commonly called the Spider, is one of the most mysterious players in the Game of Thrones. He is a fan favourite for many reasons but mostly...
Samwell Tarly or Sam has been one of those characters who never came across as someone who would make it to the end of even the first season but here he is...
Euron Greyjoy is one of the most fascinating characters in Game of Thrones who has made a recent entry in the show but already is crucial to the plot. Euron is part...
Of all the Lannisters who got their audience to grab their chairs and beanbags, Tyrion was the one who took them all by surprise by his timely dark wit and narcissist delivery...
It is confirmed. One of the most popular characters which has undergone a tremendous transition in the past 7 seasons is going to be killed in the 1st episode of season 8....
Margaery Tyrell, considered one of the strongest characters in the political scheme of things in the Game of Thrones, is one of the many fan favourites for various reasons. One of them...
Game of Thrones has such a vast fandom that almost everyone has a different set of characters they vehemently ship. From wanting Brienne and Jaime to end up together, to wanting Arya...