Online petition to bring back the night king | HBO Game of thrones |


Yep. You read it right. There is an online petition circling in social media to bring back the night king from dead. The petition was created on, a popular non-profit petition website.

The petition title read “HBO bring back the Night King.”

In the argument, the petitioner wrote
“ As fans of Game of Thrones, we’re saddened by the death of the Night King in season 8 episode 3. It was too soon and shouldn’t have happened at all. He is the only guy who can unite The Seven Kingdoms. He has no intention of killing anybody but raising everybody and having them serve and follow him loyally. There’s never been any betrayals in his camp and never will be. He brought down the wall of separation and he’s only marching south for an holiday.”

This petition was addressed to HBO, the makers of Game of thrones tv series. By the time of writing this article, the petition already has more than 128 signatories.

What do you think? Should the producers bring back the night king? Should we sign the online petition to bring back the night king on Let us know in the comments.

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