Attack on Titan is a Japanese dark fantasy anime television series adapted from the manga of the same name by Hajime Isayama. It is set in a world where humanity lives inside cities surrounded by enormous walls due to the Titans, gigantic humanoid beings who devour humans seemingly without reason. Vowing revenge and to reclaim the world from the Titans, Eren and his friends join the Scout Regiment, an elite group of soldiers who fight Titans.
The final episode of the third season on July 1, 2019. It was announced that the fourth and final season of the anime series was scheduled for release on Fall 2020 on NHK General. The series may be released in October 2020. You can watch this show via Other, US, and also online through Funimation, AnimeLab, Hulu, Netflix, Yamato Animation, etc.
Although, we all know due to ongoing pandemic shows in Hollywood as well as Anime productions are effected as production studios have to work with limited staff.
The Attack on Titan Season 4 will be delayed. Although no potential reason has been given, there is an interesting shake-up that could explain the delay. It might seem like Attack on Titan’s final season delay, if it is confirmed to happen, will be as a result of the impact of the novel coronavirus pandemic restrictions. But Yonkou Productions noted that there was potentially a studio shakeup as well with the final season being handled by a studio other than WIT Studio like the previous three seasons of the series.
This time the story will go overseas as the survey corps make great progress. The protagonist Eren along with Mikasa, Arlert, Armin, and Levi, will cross the sea and find some mind-blowing details. They will follow what was written in Eren’s father’s journals, which were finally found in the last season by Erin.
We’ll see new details about the history of humans and titans being revealed. Also, this will be the last showdown between the two races as after this we will not be getting any new season of Shingeki no Kyojin aka Attack on Titan. All the fans are eagerly waiting for the last season of Shingeki no Kyojin.
Season 4 is mentioned to be a final season so this might lead to sum-up with the clash between Marley and Eldians, although there is no official information leading up to the plot of Season 4.
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