Stranger Things is one of Netflix's most popular series, and after a long wait, the series creators have finally released a trailer and set a release date. However, the series will be...
Craig has been praised for his outstanding performance in No Time to Die, with some people even calling it his best work yet. The film, which was written by Neal Purvis, Robert...
Rukia observes her left hand not moving properly when she tries to flex its fingers and concludes that it is time to replenish her suppliesRAt nighttime in Karakura Town, Rukia Kuchiki sits...
Gajendra Ahire writes and directs Dear Molly, a Marathi drama film focused on the relationship between a father and daughter. The film follows the daughter’s journey as she searches for her father...
Despite being a sociopath with highly questionable morals, the burglar has become a fan favourite and remains a big part of the show throughout its five seasons. It stands to reason that...
Turning Red is a CG-animated comedy fantasy film that focuses on thirteen-year-old Meilin “Mei” Lee, a Chinese Canadian girl. When Mei becomes aroused or stressed, she turns into a Red Panda. Mei's...
After being attacked by Acidwire, Ichigo Kurosaki wonders why Orihime Inoue's brother would come after him. Rukia Kuchiki admits she does not know before theorizing that a powerful Hollow who wants to...
The American science fiction thriller film, written by Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick (known for writing the 2016 American Marvel superhero film Deadpool), is based on the dystopian short story by George...