Blood & Treasure is an American action–adventure drama television series created by Matthew Federman and Stephen Scaia. The series is premiered on CBS. The season was released on May 21, 2019. Federman and Scaia also serve as writers and executive producers alongside Taylor Elmore, Ben Silverman, Marc Webb, and Mark Vlasic.
The series is inspired by two other shows of the same genre- Indiana Jones and National Treasure. The series has been appreciated for its globe-trotting adventure with the captivating mix of action, humor, and drama.
Blood & Treasure Season 2 is expected to release on CBS in May 2020. But it is known that the released will be in June 2020.
Blood & Treasure is a globe-trotting action-adventure drama about a brilliant antiquities expert and a cunning art thief who team up to catch a ruthless terrorist who funds his attacks through stolen treasure. Danny McNamara is a former FBI agent specializing in stolen art and antiquities.
Lexi Vaziri is a resourceful art thief who is haunted by the tragic loss of her father, which she blames on Danny. When terrorist Karim Farouk absconds with a priceless artifact and kidnaps Danny’s mentor Dr. Anna Castillo, Danny recruits Lexi to help him bring Farouk to justice and rescue Anna.
As they chase down Farouk, they encounter unscrupulous individuals who may either be useful allies or dangerous enemies, including Aiden Shaw, an arms dealer who acts solely in his self-interest, and Simon Hardwick, an expert at procuring pilfered artifacts. Danny and Lexi are assisted by Father Chuck, a childhood friend of Danny’s who works at the Vatican Foreign Ministry in Rome.
Their hunt draws the attention of Interpol agent Gwen Karlsson, who wants Farouk brought to justice, but won’t allow Danny and Lexi to break international laws in the process. As they crisscross the world hunting their target, Danny and Lexi unexpectedly find themselves at the center of a 2,000-year-old battle for the cradle of civilization.
“Matt Barr” as ‘Danny McNamara,’ an antique expert and a former FBI agent.
“Sofia Pernas” as ‘Lexi Vaziri,’ an art thief.
“Oded Fehr” as ‘Karim Farouk.’
“Michael James Shaw” as ‘Aiden Shaw.’
“Katia Winter” as ‘Gwen Karlsson’.
“James Callis” as ‘Simon Hardwick.’
“Alicia Coppola” as ‘Ana Castillo’.
“Mark Gagliardi” as ‘Father Chuck.’
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