Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy
One of the most awaited anime Gibiate is coming out tomorrow, and we can't wait to watch what it holds for us! The trailer has given us a hint...
Grand Fisher informs them that he shall go to the Human World. Meanwhile, in the Human World, Ichigo Kurosaki and his family walk up a hill to the cemetery as Yuzu Kurosaki...
Naruto is one of the most popular shonen anime to be ever made. Although “shonen” anime are generally targeted towards teens, they’re also well loved by adults, and Naruto, with its encouraging...
Tower of God centres around a boy called Twenty-Fifth Bam, who has spent most of his life trapped beneath a vast and mysterious Tower, with only his close friend, Rachel, to keep him company....
There’s no doubting the fact that Anime is one of the best artforms out there. Combining great storytelling with stellar animation and music, a good anime series can take you on an...
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure series had successfully completed successful seasons. All the episode was a huge success. Now the fans all around are waiting for a fresh episode. The first season of the...
Ururu claims that this is all her fault and that Urahara must be angry at her, but Urahara smiles and pats her head while assuring her that he is not angry.At the...
One Punch Man Season 2 Episode 3 Synopsis: The Hunt Begins.
Charanko is perplexed by his expulsion. Silver Fang enlists the help of his brother to find Garou. Mumen Rider, Tank Top Master and Charanko are pulverized by Garou. Saitama decides to join a Martial Arts tournament. Garou encounters Saitama