Poldark is a British historical drama television series set between 1781 and 1801, the plot follows the titular character on his return to Cornwall after the American War of Independence in 1783....
Paatal Lok is a crime thriller web television series which premiered on Amazon Prime Video. It is produced by Clean Slate Films, and stars Jaideep Ahlawat, Gul Panag, Neeraj Kabi, Swastika Mukherjee,...
English subtitles of Dark season 2 tv series can be downloaded from below.
Language : English
TV Series: Dark season 2
Source: TV Subtitles
File type: Srt
Video type: MP4
Link to download: Download Dark season 2...
This web series is about a group of elite Navy SEALs soldiers planning to execute some of the most dangerous high-stakes missions at a moment's notice.
It consists of 20 episodes, in which...