Netflix Title | Eve’s Apple |
Type of Show | Movie |
Plot of Eve’s Apple | Interviews with global policymakers and girls in Gambia and Kenya detail the horrors of female genital mutilation and the growing efforts to end it. |
Director of Eve’s Apple | Eve’s Apple |
Cast of Eve’s Apple | |
Year of Release of Eve’s Apple | 2017 |
Runtime | 91 min |
Category of Eve’s Apple in Netflix | Documentaries, International Movies |
Rating of Eve’s Apple | TV-MA |
The Movie “Eve’s Apple” was directed by Jose Manuel Colón in the year 2017. This Movie was a superhit in Spain.  played key roles in the movie.
Listed in Documentaries, International Movies Category inside Netflix
1. Eve’s Apple full Movie download
2. Eve’s Apple subtitles download
3. Eve’s Appledownload
4. Eve’s Apple cast
5. Eve’s Apple characters
6. Eve’s Apple all characters
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