Netflix Title | Gie |
Type of Show | Movie |
Plot of Gie | Indonesian activist Soe Hok Gie experiences a political awakening during the tumultuous regimes of Suharto and Sukarno. Inspired by true events. |
Director of Gie | Gie |
Cast of Gie | Nicholas Saputra, Sita Nursanti, Lukman Sardi, Indra Birowo, Wulan Guritno, Thomas Nawilis, Tutie Kirana, Robby Tumewu, Jonathan Mulia |
Year of Release of Gie | 2005 |
Runtime | 141 min |
Category of Gie in Netflix | Dramas, International Movies |
Rating of Gie | TV-14 |
The Movie “Gie” was directed by Riri Riza in the year 2005. This Movie was a superhit in Indonesia. Nicholas Saputra, Sita Nursanti, Lukman Sardi, Indra Birowo, Wulan Guritno, Thomas Nawilis, Tutie Kirana, Robby Tumewu, Jonathan Mulia  played key roles in the movie.
Listed in Dramas, International Movies Category inside Netflix
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