How Not to Summon a Demon Lord is a Japanese light novel series written by Yukiya Murasaki and illustrated by Takahiro Tsurusaki. A manga adaptation by Naoto Fukuda has been running since 2015. An anime television series adaptation by Ajia-do Animation Works aired from July 5 to September 20, 2018. Now the second season was announced officially.
The first season of How Not To Summon A Demon Lord is available for streaming on Crunchyroll, Amazon Prime Video, Netflix, and Hulu.
A second anime season by Tezuka Productions and Okuru to Noboru has been announced and will premiere in 2021. The season 2 is under production. The season will be co animated by Tezuka productions, and Okuru Noboru and Satoshi Kuwabara will be the show’s Director. How Not To Summon A Demon Lord Season 2 will be streaming across the same platforms related to season 1. But so far, no news regarding How Not To Summon A Demon Lord Season 2 Dub has been announced.
Takuma Sakamoto is a hikikomori gamer who is mysteriously transported to the virtual world with the appearance of his own character in the game, the Demon Lord Diablo. The two young girls who summoned him, the pantherian Rem and the elf Shera, attempt to use a spell to make Takuma their servant, but due to his magic ring with the ability “Magic Reflection”. With a serious case of social anxiety, Takuma decides to act like his character while interacting with others, and makes use of his high stats and vast knowledge of Cross Reverie’s lore to survive in his new environment, traveling along with Rem and Shera to look for a way to remove their slave collars while helping them with their own, personal issues that led them to summon him in the first place.
Takuma Sakamoto, Shera L. Greenwood, Rem Galleu, Alicia Crystella, Sylvie Edelgard, Celestine Baudelaire, Klem, Mei, Emile Bichelberger, Keera L. Greenwood, Chester Ray Galford, Medios, Saddler
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