Netflix Title | Komola Rocket |
Type of Show | Movie |
Plot of Komola Rocket | As the lives of rich and poor passengers aboard a steamship unfold, buried secrets, lustful affairs and selfish desires are exposed. |
Director of Komola Rocket | Komola Rocket |
Cast of Komola Rocket | Tauquir Ahmed, Mosharraf Karim, Joyraj, Samia Said, Dominic Gomez |
Year of Release of Komola Rocket | 2018 |
Runtime | 95 min |
Category of Komola Rocket in Netflix | Dramas, Independent Movies, International Movies |
Rating of Komola Rocket | TV-14 |
The Movie “Komola Rocket” was directed by Noor Imran Mithu in the year 2018. This Movie was a superhit in Bangladesh. Tauquir Ahmed, Mosharraf Karim, Joyraj, Samia Said, Dominic Gomez  played key roles in the movie.
Listed in Dramas, Independent Movies, International Movies Category inside Netflix
1. Komola Rocket full Movie download
2. Komola Rocket subtitles download
3. Komola Rocketdownload
4. Komola Rocket cast
5. Komola Rocket characters
6. Komola Rocket all characters
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