Netflix Title | Lola Igna |
Type of Show | Movie |
Plot of Lola Igna | An elderly woman finds her life disrupted when her family and village realize she has a chance at a world record for being the oldest grandmother alive. |
Director of Lola Igna | Lola Igna |
Cast of Lola Igna | Angie Ferro, Yves Flores, Meryll Soriano, Maria Isabel Lopez, Royce Cabrera, Jojo Riguerra, Soliman Cruz, Armand Reyes |
Year of Release of Lola Igna | 2019 |
Runtime | 114 min |
Category of Lola Igna in Netflix | Comedies, International Movies |
Rating of Lola Igna | TV-14 |
The Movie “Lola Igna” was directed by Eduardo Roy Jr. in the year 2019. This Movie was a superhit in Philippines. Angie Ferro, Yves Flores, Meryll Soriano, Maria Isabel Lopez, Royce Cabrera, Jojo Riguerra, Soliman Cruz, Armand Reyes  played key roles in the movie.
Listed in Comedies, International Movies Category inside Netflix
1. Lola Igna full Movie download
2. Lola Igna subtitles download
3. Lola Ignadownload
4. Lola Igna cast
5. Lola Igna characters
6. Lola Igna all characters
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