Monster Musume is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Okayado. An anime adaptation aired from July to September 2015 and is licensed by Sentai Filmworks under the title Monster Musume: Everyday Life with Monster Girls.
Monster Musume Season 2 tells the story about the secret existence of mythical creatures like harpies, mermaids & centaurs. It was kept secret by the government. After, the authorities enact an “interspecies cultural exchange law”, the creatures start mingling with the world, and the plot unfolds. It revolves around Kimihito Kurusu, a Japanese student whose life is thrown into turmoil after accidentally becoming involved with the “Interspecies Cultural Exchange” program.
In 2015, an online PC game was announced. It was an adaptation from the series by DMM games. It reached the peak popularity of two hundred thousand players. The game was it shut down in November 2016.
Monster Musume Season 2 will be released in end of 2021. But no official announcement was yet made. Season 1 of the show aired in July 2015 and ended on September 23, 2015. Season 2 of Monster Musume isn’t given a green light by the studio yet.
Junji Majima as Kurusu Kimihito,
Sora Amamiya as Miia,
Ari Ozawa as Papi,
Natsuki Aikawa as Centorea,
Mayuka Nomura as Suu,
Haruka Yamazaki as Mero,
Sakura Nakamura as Rachnera,
Ai Kakuma as Lala,
Yu Kobayashi as Ms. Smith,
Momo Asakura as Manako,
Rei Mochizuki as Zombina,
Yurika Kubo as Tionisia,
Saori Onishi as Doppel.
Production notes on Monster Musume
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