Netflix Title | Mythily Veendum Varunnu |
Type of Show | Movie |
Plot of Mythily Veendum Varunnu | After losing her father, a young woman moves to the city to earn money. When she finds a job at a mysterious bungalow, her worst nightmares come true. |
Director of Mythily Veendum Varunnu | Mythily Veendum Varunnu |
Cast of Mythily Veendum Varunnu | Udhay, Kiran Raj, I.M. Vijayan, Sandhanam, Shivani Bhai, Sangeetha Balan |
Year of Release of Mythily Veendum Varunnu | 2017 |
Runtime | 88 min |
Category of Mythily Veendum Varunnu in Netflix | Horror Movies, International Movies |
Rating of Mythily Veendum Varunnu | TV-PG |
The Movie “Mythily Veendum Varunnu” was directed by Sabu Varghese in the year 2017. This Movie was a superhit in India. Udhay, Kiran Raj, I.M. Vijayan, Sandhanam, Shivani Bhai, Sangeetha Balan  played key roles in the movie.
Listed in Horror Movies, International Movies Category inside Netflix
1. Mythily Veendum Varunnu full Movie download
2. Mythily Veendum Varunnu subtitles download
3. Mythily Veendum Varunnudownload
4. Mythily Veendum Varunnu cast
5. Mythily Veendum Varunnu characters
6. Mythily Veendum Varunnu all characters
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