One Punch Man is back into the spotlight of the Anime world after a hiatus of two years. Written by ONE and illustrated by Yusuke Murata, the manga and its anime adaptation gained popularity for its obnoxiously strong and rather comical protagonist who is a “hero just for the fun of it.”
Saitama wanders around the city in search of a job when he’s forced to fight a crab-like monster to save a child. After he destroys it completely, Saitama decides to train hard and become a full-time hero.
In a span of three years, his strength multiplies to such an extent that he’s able to kill any enemy with just one punch. Awed by this ability, Genos, a cyborg persuades Saitama into making him his student. The following episodes trace their adventures together.
In a span of three years, his strength multiplies to such an extent that he’s able to kill any enemy with just one punch. Awed by this ability, Genos, a cyborg persuades Saitama into making him his student. The following episodes trace their adventures together.
Season 1 of One Punch Man ended with the defeat of an extra-terrestrial invader by the name of Boros and an impromptu warning to Genos.
The episode begins with the duo lingering on streets with nothing significant to do. They spot a trouble maker who flees on seeing King, the S-Class hero.
Genos talks Saitama into tailing him in order to observe his activities. Out of nowhere, a robot attacks King while he is walking back home in order to collect necessary data for its systems.
However, King flees the scene and Saitama follows him all the way to his apartment. He learns that King is no super-hero and he only got that title because he happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Meanwhile, Genos fights the robot and salvages its remains to give himself an upgrade.
Later, in a very confusing turn of events, a giant bird attacks King’s house and Saitama manages to stop it with just one hand. He later finishes the creature with his usual punch and asks King to train harder for the sake of the people who believe in him.
The episode ends with Sonic walking out of the Hero Association’s meeting for convicts in search of Saitama while a woman called Blizzard does the same.
By the end of the first season of One Punch Man, I had gotten used to Saitama’s punch, his nonchalant expressions and the creator’s ingenious ability to keep me in peels of laughter.
Enter Season 2 Episode 1. After settling to watch the episode on a small screen with abysmal audio, I was left with the signature nonchalant expression that Saitama often sports.
Although the episode ended on an interesting note, it felt as though the whole episode was a filler and had nothing significant to add to the story. C’mon, we expected more than that.
The fact that King became a superhero through a mere series of co-incidences seemed slightly exaggerated and hard to believe. Other fans also lashed out at the animation, stating that it was laggy and different from Season 1.
Although nothing can be speculated from just one episode, let’s just hope that the writers and animators make “One Punch Man” great again.
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