The D-day is here. Finally, the day we were anticipating is here. Pubg is banned in India along with 118 mobile applications in the country by the central government of India.
On 2nd September 2020, the government of India has decided to ban pubg along with 118 other chinese apps. Ever since tiktok got banned in retaliation to Chinese aggression, the ban of pubg is on cards.
Just last week, pubg has banned 20 lakh players for cheating on their platform and for a while, everything seemed to be going in the right direction.
Now, Indian game enthusiasts will flock towards building a desi version of Pubg. Pubg players, youtubers and live streamers are all dismayed with the decision and are searching for decent alternatives for pubg.
Currently, there are not many good alternatives to Pubg. That too Indian made local apps like Pubg are non existant. Freefire which is touted to be the next Pubg might also be in trouble.
The entire list of 118 banned chinese apps is to be released by the government. Will the list include freefire as well? This is to be seen.
The list of 118 chinese apps banned by the government of India are as follows:
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