Netflix brings the next captivating South African Rom-Com to the world’s screens with the upcoming title, Seriously Single. The comedy, featuring popular names Fulu Mugovhani, Tumi Morake, Bohang Moeko, and Yonda Thomas, will be released on Friday 31 July 2020 across the globe.
Set in Johannesburg, South Africa, Seriously Single tells the tale of the serial monogamist Dineo (Fulu Mugovhani), as she navigates the modern-day dating world alongside her best friend and partner in crime, the commitment-phobe Noni (Tumi Morake). When Dineo meets Lunga (Bohang Moeko) who appears to be the man of her dreams, she begins to uncover what she wants in life and love, as Noni unfolds her own story with Max (Yonda Thomas), the bar owner with a heart of gold. The wonderfully comedic misadventures of Dineo and Noni shows the beautiful power of having strong friendships.
Fulu Mugovhani as Dineo
Tumi Morake as Noni
Bohang Moeko as Lunga
Yonda Thomas as Max
On launch day, the 31st of July, rom-com fans worldwide can look forward to watching Seriously Single in a massive virtual watch party. The lead actors Fulu, Tumi, Bohang, and Yonda will be joined by co-stars in celebration as the world salutes black excellence.
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