Netflix Title | Shahanpan Dega Deva |
Type of Show | Movie |
Plot of Shahanpan Dega Deva | At large in the city, five inmates of a mental asylum run up against the insanity of the outside world while trying to prevent a terrorist plot. |
Director of Shahanpan Dega Deva | Shahanpan Dega Deva |
Cast of Shahanpan Dega Deva | Bharat Jadhav, Ankush Chaudhari, Siddarth Jadhav, Santosh Juvekar, Vaibhav Mangale, Kranti Redkar, Manava Naik |
Year of Release of Shahanpan Dega Deva | 2011 |
Runtime | 115 min |
Category of Shahanpan Dega Deva in Netflix | Comedies, International Movies |
Rating of Shahanpan Dega Deva | TV-14 |
The Movie “Shahanpan Dega Deva” was directed by Sudesh Manjrekar in the year 2011. This Movie was a superhit in India. Bharat Jadhav, Ankush Chaudhari, Siddarth Jadhav, Santosh Juvekar, Vaibhav Mangale, Kranti Redkar, Manava Naik  played key roles in the movie.
Listed in Comedies, International Movies Category inside Netflix
1. Shahanpan Dega Deva full Movie download
2. Shahanpan Dega Deva subtitles download
3. Shahanpan Dega Devadownload
4. Shahanpan Dega Deva cast
5. Shahanpan Dega Deva characters
6. Shahanpan Dega Deva all characters
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