The American science fiction thriller film, written by Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick (known for writing the 2016 American Marvel superhero film Deadpool), is based on the dystopian short story by George Saunders titled ‘Escape from Spiderhead’. Directed by Joseph Kosinski (well known for his 2010 science fiction film Tron: Legacy and his 2022 action drama Top Gun: Maverick starring Tom Cruise), the plot follows two inmates.Joseph Kosinski, known for directing the 2010 science fiction film Tron: Legacy and the upcoming 2022 action drama Top Gun: Maverick starring Tom Cruise, helms this film about two inmates, Jeff and Rachel, who live in a futuristic penitentiary run by Steve Abnesti (played by MCU Thor actor Chris Hemsworth). The prisoners’ sentences are reduced if they agree to become test-subjects for experiments involving emotion-altering drugs.
The film tells the story of two people who question the authenticity of the emotions they experience. Miles Teller plays Jeff, and Jurnee Smollett plays Rachel. The rest of the cast includes Tess Haubrich, BeBe Bettencourt, Mark Paguio, Sam Delich , Joey Vieira, Daniel Reader, Ron Smyck, Stephen Tongun, Charles Parnell and Nathan Jones.The upcoming sci-fi film Spiderhead, starring Chris Hemsworth as the main lead, was initially meant to be released in theaters. However, the makers have decided to release it on a leading OTT platform instead, due to some unforeseen circumstances. The film will be released on June 17, 2022. Joseph Kosinski, who is well known for his work on sci-fi films like Oblivion and Only the Brave, is helming the project.
Movie Name | Spiderhead |
OTT Platform | Netflix |
OTT Release Date | June 17, 2022 |
Theatrical Release Date | NA |
Director | Joseph Kosinski |
Chris Hemsworth is best known for his role as the iconic character Thor in the MCU. Thor is one of the most popular characters in the MCU, and fans are eagerly anticipating Hemsworth’s next film, Spiderhead. The film will be released in South Indian languages like Hindi, Telugu, and Tamil.Spiderhead is set to release on June 17, 2022. However, the film’s digital rights were acquired by leading OTT platform Netflix.
Spiderhead will be available to stream on Netflix on June 17th, 2022. The film will be in Hindi, English, Tamil, and Telugu and will require a Netflix subscription to view. The film will also have a theatrical release on June 10th, 2022.
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