The Politician is an American comedy-drama web television series created by Ryan Murphy, Brad Falchuk, and Ian Brennan and released on Netflix. The trio also serve as executive producers with Alexis Martin Woodall, Ben Platt, and Gwyneth Paltrow. The series centers on the story of Payton Hobart (Platt), a wealthy Santa Barbaran, and every season will revolve around a different political race his character is involved in.
The first season was released on Netflix on September 27, 2019.[1] The series starred Ben Platt, Gwyneth Paltrow, Jessica Lange, Zoey Deutch, Lucy Boynton, Bob Balaban, Laura Dreyfuss, David Corenswet, Julia Schlaepfer, Theo Germaine, Rahne Jones, and Benjamin Barrett. Production on the second season started in November 2019, which is scheduled to premiere on June 19, 2020.
It will be released on June 19, 2020 on Netflix streaming
Ben Platt-as Payton Hobart, an ambitious student who runs for student body president at St. Sebastian
Zoey Deutch– as Infinity Jackson, Payton’s running mate
Lucy Boynton– as Astrid Sloan, Payton’s rival and River’s girlfriend
Bob Balaban– as Keaton Hobart, Payton’s adoptive father
David Corenswet– as River Barkley, Payton’s opponent for student body president and ex-boyfriend
Julia Schlaepfer– as Alice Charles, Payton’s girlfriend
Laura Dreyfuss– as McAfee Westbrook, Payton’s campaign manager and advisor
Theo Germaine– as James Sullivan, Payton’s campaign manager and advisor
Rahne Jones– as Skye Leighton, River’s running mate
Benjamin Barrett– as Ricardo, Infinity’s dim-witted boyfriend
Jessica Lange– as Dusty Jackson, Infinity’s grandmother and primary caretaker
Gwyneth Paltrow– as Georgina Hobart, Payton’s adoptive mother
Judith Light– as Dede Standish, the New York State Senate Majority Leader
Bette Midler- as Hadassah Gold, Dede’s Chief of Staff
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