After the mega success of Vikrant Rona at the box office, the film is all set to have its worldwide digital premiere. Starring Kichcha Sudeep in the lead role, Vikrant Rona was released in cinemas on July 28 in Kannada, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam and Hindi. The film’s trailer launch saw big names from different industries come together to launch it in different languages, making Vikrant Rona one of the most talked about films of the year.Vikrant Rona believes that 3D films are the greatest. Racquel D’coasta, also known by her stage name Gadang rakkamma, portrays Jachqueline Fernandez. Kiccha Creations, Shalini Artis, Invenio Films India, and Kiccha Arts funded Zee Studious. Two additional Shalini painters, Manju and Alankar Pandian, also contributed to the film.
Upon its release, Salman Khan presented the Hindi version of the film, Dhanush the Tamil version, Dilquar Salmaan in Malayalam, Ramcharan Telegu, and Kichcha Sudeep in Kannada. In addition to the lead stars’ performances, Vikrant Rona’s brilliant VFX also caught the audience’s attention. ‘Vikrant Rona’ is a film starring Sudeepa, Nirup Bhandari, and Neetha Ashok that is presented by Zee Studios. The film is produced by Jack Manjunath under his production Shalini Artss and co-produced by Alankar Pandian of Invenio Origins. Anup Bhandari is the mastermind behind this work.In this science fiction action-adventure thriller, Vikrant Rona stars as the main character. Sudeep Kiccha portrays Rona in the film. Not much is known about the plot as it has not yet been made public. However, in the movie trailers Rona is constantly seen seeking problems.
Theatrical Release Date: July 28, 2022
Digital Rights: Zee5
OTT Release Date: September 02, 2022
Satellite Rights: TBA
Satellite Release Date: TBA
The film Vikrant Rona will be released on July 28, 2022 and has been screened in 14 countries and translated into 14 languages. The game’s producers have not declared a release date yet. This film cost 100 million rupees to produce (almost $13 million). Users will have the option to select from a total of 14 languages and 14 native 3D formats.
The film is set to premiere on July 28, 2022 and will likely be available to watch online in August or September. Like with KGF, the high price of the film is due to its use of sandalwood.
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