Shingeki no Kyojin, also known as Attack on Titan, has held a firm grip on its fanbase for all the right reasons. Set in a world in which humans cower in the face of Titans, the story works wonderfully as an allegory for class warfare – a genre of storyline that has seen a rise in popularity over the last few years with the likes of Parasite, Joker, and even Black Panther calling for a reversal of the status quo. With three seasons knocked out, fans are now waiting for Shingeki no Kyojin season 4 with baited breath!
Shingeki no Kyojin season 4 is slated to be the last season, which means that we should see a resolution of all ongoing storylines. Attack on Titan’s third season had certainly raised a storm of questions with its plot, and it’s fair for fans to expect their questions to be answered.
We’re expecting Shingeki no Kyojin season 4 to tell us more about:
Eren Kruger shocked fans when he asked Grisha Jaeger to follow his commands if they were to eventually save Armin and Mikasa. Interestingly, when asked who these people were, Eren had no clue. Of course, this has already spun a ton of fan theories.
Ymir Titans have the power to access their ancestor’s memories and experiences. We’ve even seen Eren delve into the memories of his father. However, there’s no evidence to support that Ymir Titans can also see memories that are yet to be made in the future. Perhaps that theory will be one of the many that will be confirmed during Shingeki no Kyojin season 4!
When Ymir Fritz died, her spirit famously broke into nine different pieces that were absorbed by here descendants. Over the course of the anime, we’ve seen eight of these Titans, namely, the Attack, Female, Beast, Jaw, Armoured, Cart, Colossal and Founding Titans.
Of course, most fans are speculating that the ninth Titan will be the Warhammer Titan – a formidable Titan with the power to create weaponry from its body. In the manga, this Titan is shown in the possession of Eren Jaeger, so only time will tell if the same is revealed in Shingeki no Kyojin season 4!
If the showrunners do decide to split Shingeki no Kyojin season 4 into two different parts, then there is a high chance that the first half will be devoted to the ninth Titan, while the second half shows us the final showdown between Marley and Eldia.
Annie went down the Han Solo route and encased herself in hardened Titan skin after the events of season 1. This was to make sure the Scouts couldn’t question her. After that, we only heard snippets about how Annie’s cell is heavily guarded in case she wakes up. With Shingeki no Kyojin season 4 revealed as the last season, fans believe that we’ll learn more about Annie.
If you payed close attention to the Shingeki no Kyojin season 4 trailer, you’d have noticed a super-quick frame that shows Annie. The short scene shows her trapped in ice. The very fact that this is included in the trailer certainly hints that the storyline will be resolved. We’re definitely dying to see whether she does wake up. And, if she does, it’ll be super interesting to see what role will she play in the war to come.
Season 3 of Attack on Titan definitely dropped a few heavy hints regarding the Ackerman clan! One of the biggest moments was when Levi fought the Beast Titan, as it immediately set him apart from other humans. We know that the Ackerman clan is also not susceptible to the memory-wiping powers of the Founding Titan and it’ll be very interesting to see why that is the case.
Another hint that tells us that there’s more to the Ackerman clan than what meats the eye is that Mikasa easily killed a robber when she was just nine, displaying strength beyond her years. Her fighting skills are also far more superior to those of the Scouts.
Do you think that Shingeki no Kyojin season 4 will tell us more about the Ackerman clan? Or do you think that fans are often reading too much into these characters?
What’s the one thing that Attack on Titans has in common with Game of Thrones? It’s the gruesome yet captivating deaths! Lots of fans are totally convinced that Eren is going to die in Shingeki no Kyojin season 4. This is mainly because he cannot fully control the Founding Titan powers. Transferring the powers to another character will serve the war greatly. A lot of fans think he’ll let Historia eat him and gain his powers – but they might be proven wrong.
As Armin is the narrator, killing him just won’t make sense. Stories told from beyond the grave often lose their punch when it’s revealed that the narrator is dead. And somehow, it just doesn’t really fit in with the vibe of the show.
According to the makers, Shingeki no Kyojin season 4 should be out during the fall season of 2020. Since this timeline is fast-approaching, fans believe that like season 3, season 4 will be released in two parts. But, let’s keep our fingers crossed for the whole thing being released in one go! Waiting for another few months to know these answers will be sheer torture!
What do you think Shingeki no Kyojin season 4 will reveal about the world it’s set in, its characters, their powers, and the final resolution? Let us know in the comments section below!
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