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About Game The Last of Us Part 2

The plot of The Last of Us Part 2 games starts after the five years or pervious version of Last of Us Part I.The plot of Last of Us Part II carries player more emotionally than the previous one and that demands conflicted feelings. The player feels deep love and feeling towards the game because of brilliant graphics, compelling acting, and substantial gameplay.

The Last of Us Part 2 metro station fight
The Last of Us Part 2 metro station fight

In the first Last of Us, protagonists Joel and Ellie feel like real people in a dread full world where half of human existence is wiped out due to Cordycep’s brain infection. The entire human race is crumbled, and society is collapsed, and zombies are everywhere.

First, part Ellies is immune to the virus and key to developing the cure, but the medicine would kill her, so Joe murders dozens of people to save Ellie. That choice in the game left a moral question to the players. Did Joel do the right thing?

Answer to this question is on the Last of US part II . Joe gives his life to pay the price of his choice made in the first part.

Amazing and Surprising story with visual effects

When I open the PS4 for playing the Last of Us Part 2, I Know that war was brewing, and one has indeed arrived. After the five years of the dangerous journey by Ellie and Joel across the post-pandemic USA, and finally, they settled down in Jackson.

Abby the new charcter  The Last of Us Part 2
Abby the new charcter The Last of Us Part 2

Starting time itself, a new character named Abby introduced, and Abby murders Joel from that I think this game is of revenge mission, But when I understand that death of Joel is because of the killing, he did in the previous game.

Exploration of Ellie in The Last of Us Part 2
Exploration of Ellie in The Last of Us Part 2

The game goes half with Ellie’s revenge and another half with fights to survive in the doomed world of zombies. Ellies’ character is more different from Joel, the death of Joel affects her mind, but morality is not compromised in her that allows her to leave the Abby free even she got a chance to kill him to full fill the revenge for Joel’s death.

Violence is too Heavy: Last of us part II

Game Director of Last of us 2 Neil Druckmann has repeatedly said  that  “about the cycle of violence” and intends to leave the player feeling “repulsed by some of the violence they are committing themselves.” 

The sense of the horror of the player is exacerbated when the leveled-up graphics and state-of-the-art motion capture work make the violence much more visceral.

Exploring this doomed and destroyed world through Ellie and Abby’s dual perspectives challenges all the players to think more deeply about the violence perpetuating in video games. By slowly revealing Abby’s backstory as an unapologetic, brave woman, all the game players sympathize with the enemy, more so when The Last of Us 2 gives a name and a history for almost every single enemy — even the dogs.

Every ask a question to me is the journey with Last of 2 is worth fully ?

the only answer I can give to all gameres is you’ll probably only want to play only once.Emotion stops you from playing again.

The Last Of Us 2  : Requirements

Game is launched only in sony stores, and right now, PS4 and PS3 users can only be able to play this: PC version will coming soon release date is not declared.

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