Satte Pe Satta – Movie : Cast, Details, Plot, Release, Runtime, Rating, Downloads

Netflix Title Satte Pe Satta
Type of Show Movie
Plot of Satte Pe Satta The eldest of seven brothers who run a family farm together marries a pretty nurse, inspiring his country-bumpkin siblings to follow his example.
Director of Satte Pe Satta Satte Pe Satta
Cast of Satte Pe Satta Amitabh Bachchan, Hema Malini, Amjad Khan, Sachin, Shakti Kapoor, Ranjeeta Kaur, Paintal, Ranjeet
Year of Release of Satte Pe Satta 1982
Runtime 153 min
Category of Satte Pe Satta in Netflix Comedies, Cult Movies, Dramas
Rating of Satte Pe Satta TV-14


The Movie “Satte Pe Satta” was directed by Raj N. Sippy in the year 1982. This Movie was a superhit in India. Amitabh Bachchan, Hema Malini, Amjad Khan, Sachin, Shakti Kapoor, Ranjeeta Kaur, Paintal, Ranjeet  played key roles in the movie.

Listed in Comedies, Cult Movies, Dramas Category inside Netflix

1.  Satte Pe Satta full Movie download
2.  Satte Pe Satta subtitles download
3.  Satte Pe Sattadownload
4.  Satte Pe Satta cast
5.  Satte Pe Satta characters
6.  Satte Pe Satta all characters

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