Classroom of the Elite is a Japanese light novel series written by Shogo Kinugasa. It was illustrated by Shunsaku Tomose. Its manga adaptationwasby made Yuyu Ichino. This serialization began on January 27,...
After the battle against Fishbone D, Isshin Kurosaki crashes into a sleeping Ichigo Kurosaki while greeting him. Ichigo wakes up and screams in anger, then pins his father to the ground and...
Log Horizon last is a Japanese anime series. it was adapted into four manga series. It was adapted into four manga series from a novel series by Mamare Touno, Log Horizon. It...
before turning on a screen behind him, which displays the ruckus Ichigo and Rukia Kuchiki caused at Don Kanonji's show the previous night, as he reveals that this incident was broadcast nationwide...
Staring down Uryū Ishida in an alleyway in Karakura Town with Kon kneeling behind him in his body, Ichigo Kurosaki tells Uryū to explain the rules of this duel to him. However...
If you’re new to the world of anime, your friends probably recommend you to start off with Naruto, Dragon Ball or Death Note. All of these series are seen as over-rated by...
Ichigo Kurosaki runs down the street while wondering how long it has been since he has seen Karin cry. Noting that Karin and Yuzu Kurosaki were crybabies up until their mother...
Rukia observes her left hand not moving properly when she tries to flex its fingers and concludes that it is time to replenish her suppliesRAt nighttime in Karakura Town, Rukia Kuchiki sits...