Monster Musume is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Okayado. An anime adaptation aired from July to September 2015 and is licensed by Sentai Filmworks under the title Monster Musume:...
If you were ardently waiting for Violet Evergarden Season 2 based on Kyoto Animations’ vague statement of working on a “project”, you’re in for a pleasant surprise.
On its official Twitter page, Kyoto...
How Not to Summon a Demon Lord is a Japanese light novel series written by Yukiya Murasaki and illustrated by Takahiro Tsurusaki. A manga adaptation by Naoto Fukuda has been running since...
I was one of those people who thought that Death Note was a very over-rated anime. There was so much hype around it and even people who had never watched anime enjoyed...
Made in Abyss is the anime series that recently a lot of popularity. Season 1 become more popular among anime lovers all over the world. The anime's second season is expected to...