Watchmen is an American action-drama television series created by Alan Moore and David Gibbons. The timeline of this series is set in New York City of 1985. Watchmen features Regina King, Jeremy Iron and Tom Mison as Angela Abar, Andrian Veidt and Mr. Phillips, respectively. The television series is the continuation of the 1987 DC Comics series Watchmen and was last premiered on 20 October 2019. Soon after the show premiered, Damon Lindelof, the showrunner left his role and HBO announced that there are no plans creating a second season of this show.
Plot: The show begins when Adrian Veidt creates a fake attack that results in a million of people dying in New York city. This attack further forces all nations to work together in order to prevent the threat of a nuclear holocaust. Veidt’s action is further looked down by his former teammates with Rorschach also sending his journal on Veidt’s deeds to be published before he is pulverized by Doctor Manhattan who following that incident leaves the planet.
The series next takes us to 2019 where Seventh Kavalry, a group motivated Rorschach’s journal inspires a violent war against minorities.
Created By: Alan Moore and David Gibbons
No. | Title | Directed By | Written By | Release Date |
1 | It’s Summer and We’re Running Out of Ice | Nicole Kassell | Damon Lindelof | October 20, 2019 |
2 | Martial Feats of Comanche Horsemanship | Nicole Kassell | Damon Lindelof & Nick Cuse | October 27, 2019 |
3 | “She Was Killed by Space Junk” | Stephen Williams | Damon Lindelof & Christal Henry | November 3, 2019 |
4 | “If You Don’t Like My Story, Write Your Own” | Andrij Parekh | Damon Lindelof & Christal Henry | November 10, 2019 |
5 | “Little Fear of Lightning” | Steph Green | Damon Lindelof & Carly Wray | November 17, 2019 |
6 | “This Extraordinary Being” | Stephen Williams | Stacy Osei-Kuffour & Claire Kiechel | November 24, 2019 |
7 | “An Almost Religious Awe” | David Semel | Stacy Osei-Kuffour & Claire Kiechel | December 1, 2019 |
8 | “A God Walks into Abar” | Nicole Kassell | Jeff Jensen & Damon Lindelof | December 8, 2019 |
9 | “See How They Fly” | Frederick E.O. Toye | Nick Cuse & Damon Lindelof | December 15, 2019 |
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