The upcoming English, Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam, and Hindi science fiction action adventure film Lightyear has been given a “UA” certificate via the Central Board of Film Certification. The movie is produced by...
“Home Sweet Home Alone” stars Ellie Kemper, Rob Delaney, Archie Yates, Aisling Bea, Kenan Thompson, Tim Simons, Pete Holmes, Devin Ratray, Ally Maki, and Chris Parnell. The film is directed by Dan...
The Hulk's abilities are hard to comprehend, even for Tatiana Maslany (Jennifer Walters) who received Bruce Banner's blood. Even when she turns into a green monster, she retains her personality. You never...
The story opens ten years after the events of “Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith,” in which Obi-Wan Kenobi faced his greatest defeat—the downfall and corruption of his best friend and Jedi...
The six-part series, executive produced by Academy Award-nominated filmmaker Darren Aronofsky, Protozoa Pictures, Jane Root’s Nutopia, and Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith’s Westbrook Studios, was first announced in December 2020. Leading...
Turning Red is a CG-animated comedy fantasy film that focuses on thirteen-year-old Meilin “Mei” Lee, a Chinese Canadian girl. When Mei becomes aroused or stressed, she turns into a Red Panda. Mei's...
The death of a young woman on her honeymoon cruise ship sets off a series of murders that Leave the world's greatest detective, Hercule Poirot, scrambling to catch the killer. With a...
The Kings Man franchise is one of the most well-known around, however after its theatrical release The Kings Man is now getting ready for a digital release. The Kings Man is the...