Mrs. Serial Killer is a thrilling Indian Crime thriller movie now streaming on Netflix. The film is created by Shirish Kunder. Jacqueline Fernandez, Manoj Bajpayee and Mohit Raina are in the...
The Chronicles of Narnia series of films is based on 'The Chronicles of Narnia', a series of novels by C. S. Lewis. From the seven books, The Lion, the Witch and the...
Bilbo and Company are forced to engage in a war against an array of combatants and keep the Lonely Mountain from falling into the hands of a rising darkness.
A single mother, plagued by the violent death of her husband, battles with her son's fear of a monster lurking in the house, but soon discovers a sinister presence all around her.
Charlize Theron is now back with an neither action packed movie- The Old Guard. It is a fantasy-action graphic novel adaptation coming to Netflix.The movie is going to be released in July...