Game of Thrones

Oberyn Martell & Matt Demon Archery Test Scene In The Great...

0 Oberyn Martell from the TV series Game of Thrones & Matt Demon from the popular movie Martian partnered for the movie The Great Wall....

What can you expect from Game of Thrones Season 8?

Season 7 ended with a great cliffhanger – the death of Viserion and his transformation into a white-walker-dragon. This finally evens the odds for...

Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 1: Review, Symbolism and Explanations

The premiere of the last season of Game of Thrones is more like a big and awkward reunion of families. As Jon and Daenerys...

Who Will Sit on the Iron Throne?

Ever since the death of Robert Baratheon, the question of who will sit of the Iron Throne has been a recurring one for viewers...

What happened to Benjen Stark?

Benjen Stark is one of the characters that got such less screen time but still managed to have a place in everyone’s heart. He...

“HBO” Just Announced There Will Be 2-Hour Post-Finale Documentary For Game...

HBO announces Game of Thrones documentary with behind-the-scenes footage & story The last season of Game of Thrones saga hasn’t come out yet, but the...

How Every Bran Stark Theory Forms This Larger Super-Theory

Game of Thrones is a unique show in many ways, and perhaps one of the things that sets it apart from many other shows is how...

Lord Varys – Who was he, Theories, Future

Varys, the Master of Whisperers or commonly called the Spider, is one of the most mysterious players in the Game of Thrones. He is...

Emilia Clarke ‘dating filmmaker ex-boyfriend of Mission Impossible star Rebecca Ferguson’

Emilia Clarke the 'Mother of Dragons' is going out with the ex-boyfriend of Mission Impossible filmmaker Rebecca Ferguson. Emilia Clarke is said to...

Daenerys Targaryen | The Fallen Queen – Tribute

Daenerys Targaryen story's ended. She had a magnificent story through all the seasons and I'll miss this character. In the end, she might not...