Raya and Sakina – Movie : Cast, Details, Plot, Release, Runtime, Rating, Downloads

Netflix Title Raya and Sakina
Type of Show Movie
Plot of Raya and Sakina When robberies and murders targeting women sweep early 20th-century Egypt, the hunt for suspects leads to two shadowy sisters. Based on a true story.
Director of Raya and Sakina Raya and Sakina
Cast of Raya and Sakina Suhair El-Babili, Shadia, Abdel Moneim Madbouly, Ahmed Bedir
Year of Release of Raya and Sakina 1984
Runtime 230 min
Category of Raya and Sakina in Netflix Comedies, Dramas, International Movies
Rating of Raya and Sakina TV-14


The Movie “Raya and Sakina” was directed by Hussein Kamal in the year 1984. This Movie was a superhit in . Suhair El-Babili, Shadia, Abdel Moneim Madbouly, Ahmed Bedir  played key roles in the movie.

Listed in Comedies, Dramas, International Movies Category inside Netflix

1.  Raya and Sakina full Movie download
2.  Raya and Sakina subtitles download
3.  Raya and Sakinadownload
4.  Raya and Sakina cast
5.  Raya and Sakina characters
6.  Raya and Sakina all characters

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